Scholarships and Financial Support (ESOL)

Economic Sociology, Organization and Labour Studies

Scholarships & Financial Support


Scholarships and scholarship-related increases


1. Ph.D. scholarship

The Ph.D. in Economic Sociology, Organization and Labour Studies is a joint programme of the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, the Department of Economics at the University of Bergamo, and the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Pavia. One of the scholarships issued by the University of Milan is funded by the Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Each University issues scholarships that are assigned to students according to their rank order in the selection process.

The University of Milan provides Ph.D. students with scholarships of 16,350 € gross per year.

The University of Bergamo provides Ph.D. students with scholarships of 16.243 € gross per year.
The University of Pavia provides Ph.D. students with scholarships of 16.243 € gross per year.


2. Increase in the scholarship amount for periods of research abroad

Those who accomplish a period of research abroad have the right to a 50% increase in the scholarship for the period spent abroad. This increase is available from the first to the fourth year, for periods longer than 10 days and up to 12 months. The scholarship increase is granted only on Ph.D. Director (or supervisor) agreement. For the increase to be activated, the student has then to send a formal request to the offices of the University granting the scholarship.


3. Research budget for the first, second, third and fourth year (10%)

Every year, doctoral students may have access to a research budget amounting to up to 10% of the yearly scholarship. The use of the budget is granted only upon Ph.D. Director's (or supervisor's) agreement. Every student has to send a formal request to the Department of the University that issues the scholarship.


Financial aids

1. Teaching activities outside Milan

For teaching activities planned outside Milan, reimbursement for travel, accommodation and food costs may be provided (upon presenting original receipts and tickets) for a maximum established by the NASP GS on the basis of funding available.


2. Travelling and accommodation support programmes

NASP allows for the activation of support programmes concerning expenses for travelling to and accommodation in Milan for national and international students for the first year only. These programmes, however, can be activated only on Ph.D. programme funds availability. NASP actively looks for funds every year. Communication about the activation of the above-mentioned support programmes will be sent as soon as those funds are available. 


PhD Programmes


Other Training Activities

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